Saturday, May 29, 2010

The butterfly circus

Here you are.This video shows us that nothing is impossible.
I hope you'll like it! Watch it if you have some free time!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Here's a link to the advertising game we tried out in class. I think it's great fun and a good way to practise your English as well as learn more about the world of advertising.


Mobile Learning

Would you like to try learning English via your mobile phone? Have you got an internet enabled mobile, maybe an iphone?

Check this out.

Why not give some of the games a try, when you're waiting for something, you can play a game to practise your English!

Write a blues song!

Maybe at the moment you've got the 'Exam Blues'! Make yourself feel better by being creative on this great site. You can write your own blues song, then you can share it by email - maybe we can sing it in class!

Try it out when you have a few minutes spare.

English Idioms#2 - Face the music

Here's another idiom - to face the music

Watch this video, but beware, there's some singing!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Action Maze

This is basically a 'choose your own adventure' story. Read each text and decide what to do next!

Go here and follow the instructions.

Have fun!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My basketball team

I remember when, a few years ago, I talked to my school friends about how much I liked basketball, football, tennis.... but it was so difficult for Spanish girls to play any sport, at least here in my town, Lucena. I couldn’t understand why, but the majority of the girls in the town don’t usually play any sport.
Then, Lucena opened a new basketball club. It attracted a lot of young people, and the thing that I liked most was the possibility of a girls team.
I loved the idea! And my friends too. At first, only five girls arrived there, saying we wanted to create our own team.
And it was fantastic! Other people found it a bit strange, and we were known (and still we are) as “the basket girls”
Then, some new girls started to come. Some stayed and they are still with us, others couldn’t follow our schedule, because it’s true that it is a serious club, not just a team to have fun. We have to train and play matches, which are every weekend.
Now there are 10 of us, but that’s enough, in spite of the frequent injuries.
Last year, we were in a league, and we won! We learnt quite quickly, at least to win, (but it wasn’t a very strong league for very good teams, to be honest).
This year the team is a official league team, and it is harder! But we are proud, we are still learning and training hard to improve as much as possible. Maybe, next year, we’ll win again! Anyway, I love this experience and I feel lucky because I have the opportunity to play a sport that I really like!

Quote of the week!

"The difference between school and life?

In school you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."

Tom Bodett

What do you think of this quote?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Phrasal Verbs

Some good mini-lessons on this site introducing phrasal verbs.

This time it's 'to listen in'

Have a look!

Oral Exam

Hi guys, I hope you've had a great weekend. What beautiful weather, eh?! I went to the beach, did any of you?!

The oral exam won't be on Tuesday, I'll give you more information when I see you in the class. Jenny is going to do the exams and because of all the other classes exams on Monday and Tuesday and the Trinity exam preparation she won't be available.

So, we've got more time to practise! Watch the videos though so that you have a better idea about the situation you'll be in; remember, it's only parts 2 and 3 this time.

See you all tomorrow.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

FCE Speaking Videos

Interactive Video

Watch what happens in the video, then decide what happens next!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

GET dialogues!

Here are two short dialogues written and recorded in the class today, can you hear all the phrasal verbs with 'get'? Do you know what they mean?!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here's some vocabulary from the lesson this evening that some of you didn't know or weren't too sure about. If you can't remember the words you can look them up here:

chimney sweep
to fix
to work from home
graphic designer
web designer

I enjoyed the lesson tonight, I hope you did too!

Please remember to correct your writing on google docs. Maripaz, you can post your work now, it's really good! Well done!

Ok, see you all on Thursday

Monday, May 10, 2010

Social Media

You are all now bloggers, because taking part in this class blog. You all use tuenti - I think! Some of you use facebook. What about youtube, flickr, twitter? All these things are known as 'social media'.

How important is social media? Is it part of an internet revolution? Watch this video and let me know what you think!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, yesterday you guys seemed interested in finding out more about Kazakhstan after you discovered that I had lived there! So, as a bit of optional homework, if you have time, you could have a look here at the wikipedia entry. I reckon the truth will be different to your perceptions! Here are some photos:

Have a great weekend

See you next week.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i dreamed a dream by Mª José

I used to dream of being different in sociaty
I used to dream of being special to my friends
I used to dream of changing the feelings of others
and of dancing
but all I want right now is to continue dreaming.

I dreamed a dream by Mister Lechado

I used to dream of save lives
I used to dream of being a good father
I used to dream thatI would be happier than then
abd of doing the most exciting things I have never done
but I want right now is to eat something

P.S. My dream has come true

I used to dream...

I used to dream of playing basketball well.
I used to dream that I could read 100 books in a week.
I used to dream of being a teacher.
And of never meeting mister lechado.
But all I want right now is listen to Richard´s Spanish

I dreamed a dreamed by CASTROTEBA

I used to dream of being a rap singer
I used to dream of being an English teacher
I used to dream of being happy
and of travelling around the world
but all I want right now is to have more dreams

I dreamed a dream by Pedro

I used to dream of having a good job.
I used to dream of having a lot of money.
I used to dream of having a good wife and of being happy
but all I want right now is that Real Madrid win "La Liga"

Some more interesting sites for you to read!

I have found two more websites that you can read for extra practice, they both have loads of stuff to read. 

The first is great blog by a guy called Gary who is travelling the world and has been for a couple of years! He writes new stuff regularly and also posts photos and videos which are well worth taking a look at. Here's his latest post from Valencia, where he is currently.

The other site is called Exploratorium and has some great information about the science of music, such as 'Why does my singing sound so great in the shower?!' You can read it even if you think that your singing doesn't sound great - in the shower or not!

See you all later!